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What does a leader need in times of change and adversity? What do successful people do when old approaches don't work anymore? Right, they adapt and choose a new way of getting things done, not by relabeling old tools but by using a new toolset. This is not an easy task but you are not alone.

We have created a toolset that answers the modern reality of leadership challenges and combines it with the latest findings in the area of success, health, communication, networking, adaptability and happiness. Choose any topic or all six and get all you need in order to thrive - no matter how difficult and crazy the times are.


This module combines the newest findings of neuroscience, medicine and mindfulness in order to protect and enhance personal health and wellbeing. It is a powerful and proven, three-dimensional approach to boost energy and protect the human body from the negative consequences of the modern lifestyle, stress and high demands of work. SMART Health provides you with action oriented, easy to implement strategies for physical activity, personal nutrition and mindfulness. Learn the powerful secrets of smart nutrition and experience with us motivation that goes far beyond discipline. Avoid mental fatigue and burn out and learn how to focus and relax no matter how crazy life is at the moment. All our tools are highly personalized and can easily be transferred into everyday life. SMART Health helps people to understand and utilize the 7 cornerstones of good health for personal wellbeing. Find out how easy it is to protect your health, boost your mental capacities, reduce stress and strengthen your resilience and conflict resolution skills.        


Newest science shows that happiness and a feeling of belonging are important factors for corporate success and future readiness. Therefore, many companies are looking for ways to evolve and transform their existing culture, values and organizational procedures. Benefit from our SMART Happiness tools and experiences for deeper emotional connections, team innovation, purpose and corporate performance. Learn how to connect personal happiness with corporate success and utilize the power of different perspectives to motivate yourself and others on deeper levels than ever. Reflect on your values, believes and leadership style and level up your personal excellence. You and your team will be ideally equipped to cope with today’s high demands on flexibility, focus, resilience and emotional stability.


The mastery of personal and corporate communication has become crucially important for today’s sales success, customer loyalty and employee motivation. Latest science has revealed many new aspects of the human brain and language that has a deep impact on how and what we should communicate. As of today, this knowledge remains still largely unused in the corporate world and we intend to change that. Learn the newest and most powerful communication strategies and techniques, combined with the latest neuroscientific insights that will help you increase your communicative success, negotiation skills and empathy. Utilize the most powerful and highly effective ways of messaging, presenting, and fighting stage fright. Discover your authentic communication and presence style and learn how to effectively lead live and virtual meetings. 


In a world that is getting more and more complex but also digitally connected, it is essential to under-stand the power of networks and learn to utilize them for your personal and corporate life. Learn the driving factors of successful networking, create your personal networking strategy, identify value creators and time consumers, understand the power of politics and avoid mistakes that can ruin your reputation. With our SMART Networking tools and techniques, you will learn highly successful ways of effective           networking that combine different communication channels and create value for all parties involved.


Diversity can be much more than a political statement or a new part of your HR strategy. When applied and integrated wisely, diversity can become the cornerstone of modern leadership and the transmission belt for innovation, excellence and increased profitability. Our SMART Diversity module will help you understand and utilize the real business case of D&I. It will show you how to create an open and inclusive working environment that fosters and embraces different perspectives to in-crease team and business success. Experience with our industry experts how to recognize and change deep-rooted unconscious biases and preferences. Learn from powerful best practice examples and find your individual way to create a value-oriented corporate culture that connects people emotionally, especially in times of social distance and mental strain.


Change is a constant in life we can not change - all of us have heard that over and over again but still many people and corporations have severe problems with successful adaptability, agility and transformation. Often the complexity, speed and impact of change creates rather the opposite: Fear, insecurity and avoidance. Our experts show you proven ways to successfully deal with change while empowering yourself and others to optimally respond to any development. Strengthen your resilience, agility and inner peace in order to thrive no matter what the circumstances are. With the right mindset, you can stretch your barriers, overcome old habits, change perspectives and even create a win win situation. Get back in the driver seat and learn all there is to know about the art of mastering change. 

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